Diving in Fiji: The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count November 2008: Results: South Kadavu, Matava Resort
Diving in Fiji: The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count November 2008: Results: South Kadavu, Matava Resort
The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count November 2008: Results: South Kadavu, Matava Resort
The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count November 2008
On reefs all across the Fiji Islands, volunteers from schools, universities, conservation organisations, resorts and dive operations took part in 30 minute counts of Butterflyfish, as an indicator of biodiversity and coral health.
Results: South Kadavu, Matava Resort:
Alice and James Calvert from Australia
Alan and Lindsay Coley of the UK
Jone Waitaiti, Matava Dive Guide
Richard Akhtar, Matava Owner
Helen Sykes, Fiji Coral Reef Monitoring Networkand Reef Check coordinator
Count in progress
Triangular Butterfly
Cheveroned Butterfly
Longnosed Butterflies
Across the South Kadavu Dive Sites, 24 of the 27 known Butterflyfish in Fiji were seen. On average 79 Butterflyfish were seen over the 30 minute counting period.
Site | Reef Type | Average # of fish / 30 mins | Average # of species |
Eagle Rock, Outer Wall | 52 % Hard coral cover 23% Soft coral cover | 92.5 | 20 (74%) |
Vesi Bay, Nearshore fringing Reef | 38% Hard coral cover 7 % Soft coral cover | 85.5 | 14 (52%) |
Naiqoro Passage Deep passage to outer wall | Hard coral gardens | 82.8 | 22 (81%) |
Japanese Gardens, Passage side to outer slopes | Rock walls in passage, Hard corals on slopes | 46.5 | 17 (63%) |
South Kadavu Overall | 78.8 | 24 (89%) |
Many more species were found on the outer wall sites where there was high hard coral cover, and more variety of coral types. At the inner reef and passage side sites, where there was less hard coral, there were fewer species, and in one case, fewer fish, mainly those who do not depend entirely on corals for food.
Diving in Fiji: The Great Fiji Butterflyfish Count November 2008: Results: South Kadavu, Matava Resort